The prompt development of a WWW in latest years causes occurrence of more and more perfect means of an Internet-application development. Leading software companies place high emphasis to Internet technologies.
Development of Internet in Russia is especially appreciable. Every day new Internet services provider is occur. The quantity of Internet sites is progressively increased. Thus Internet is any more not only means of necessary information getting. Internet is main means for the organization success. It is difficult to imagine the company, which would not have an Internet site. Many companies have in WWW more then simple pages. They have complex corporate sites, which not only inform the Internet user - potential consumer - on a company profile, but also give an opportunity to organize of the electronic commerce systems like electronic shop, stock exchange etc.
Total it derivates steady requirement for Internet technologies experts. Our company has reacted to the arisen market conjuncture by creation of special department engaged in Internet-projects as far back as 1995.
The main direction of our Internet-activity is designing and construction of complex corporate Web-sites and Internet-shops. Taking into account our geographical situation, we also offer Russianize Internet-site of any complexity.
Web-site development
The price for our works is low. There are some reasons for it. We count on using own technologies and our means of development automation. The important factor of price decreasing is high qualification of our employees. This allows to increase efficiency and quality of our development.
Price list
Our employees are people ready to work and having all the qualities, necessary for professional Web-design. The Internet-technologies, new tendency and standards knowledge, wide experience - all this allows us to be fully confident on this sector of the market.
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