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Relational database management system occupy leading positions in world market now. It is explained that a relational model of data historically has arisen by first and further has received essential development.

The relational databases are used for the tasks which was applied with processing of the well structured information. Its data is good transform to relational structures and connections.

Providers of Internet services now give to developers powerful free-of-charge means for realization its own databases.

Relational database management system can be applied to organization of databases, which are accessed through Internet. Some functions of relational database management system are realized in our Internet site "Footwear in Russia".

The project "Footwear in Russia" is branch Internet site, representing virtual Internet catalogue of shoes production with system of the electronic orders. The project is intended for fast and all-round information interchange between participants of shoes market of Russia and connect to ultimate shoes producers.

Database of u6757107_footwe models(see figure) is realized. Using standard queries of relational database management system, it is possible to carry out sample of models on the given conditions, by sorting them in the given sequence, operatively to update information in database, and other users of database can at once see the brought changes.

Basic functions of site "Footwear in Russia":

  • Searching of models under the table of models Model on set of the given parameters (type, season, colour, size, seller, trade mark etc.) or only under the trade marks;

  • Searching of models of a concrete supplier (choice of a seller from table Company and models, appropriate to it from table Model);

  • Searching of models of a concrete collection (choice of a collection from table Collection and appropriate models from table Model);

  • operative updating of information about the submitted models;

  • reporting of statistics about quantity of the visitors and its interest;

  • organizating of electronical orders system.

Also we develop application on relational database management system MS Access. The databases MS Access can contain some tables; it is possible to look through, to add and to update the data in tables with the help of the forms; to find necessary data with help of queries; to submit data in the given pattern with the help of the reports.

Special means of MS Access (page of access to the data) allow the users to look through, to update or to analyze data from database through Internet.

We develop application with using MS Access for decision of the most various tasks:

  • Automation of a registration of personnel.

  • Automation of conducting payment operations.

  • Automation of a account of sales and orders.

  • Automation of a account of document circulation.

  • Other applied tasks.

All our projects correspond with customer requirements. We realize customer data schema, we take into account your remarks and wishes in process.

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