Scientific-Manufacturing Center INTELTEC PLUS
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Dear sirs!

Specialists at sphere of information technologies!

Our company offer reciprocal co-operation with you at our electronic publishing house: INTELTEC e-PUBLISHING HOUSE.

INTELTEC e-PUBLISHING HOUSE is Web site which contains collect of electronic articles about:
  • object DBMS

  • artificial analyse of natural text

  • artificial intelligence

  • expert systems

  • methods of virtual enterprises creating
The site of publishing house has forums. You may argue your problems with experts at forums:
Special section at publishing house have been opened where news from developers of corporative information systems, system integrators, software and hardware developers are publish.
Our offers:
1. We are interested to publish your information about your software or hardware developments. If your information is interesting for publishing then we publish it free of charge at INTELTEC e-PUBLISHING HOUSE as news from developers or in applicable section.

2. If you have materials about subject, which present at INTELTEC e-PUBLISHING HOUSE, such as articles, reviews etc then we shall publish it. Publishing of articles in our publishing house is way to introduce ones to experts who interest information about new decisions at high-tech. Your articles will be indexed by popular search servers.

3. If you have materials about subject which don't present at INTELTEC e-PUBLISHING HOUSE then your articles will be published in a new section.

Our company can analyze your counteroffer about co-operation. Send mail to us!

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