Scientific-Manufacturing Center INTELTEC PLUS [an error occurred while processing this directive]
What is ODB-Text?

The documentary information retrieval system ODB-Text is the application for object DBMS "ODB-Jupiter". It is means of collective document processing and conducting corporate archive.

ODB-Text allows conduct the large document archives containing multimedia data, provides magnificent search opportunities, including full-text search in natural language, editing tool of the documents and communication with other DBMS.

ODB-Text use client-server architecture. The access to base of the documents is possible from LAN and WAN via TCP/IP protocol. Special Internet extension of system allows to look through the documents in archive using ordinary Internet-browser.

General directions of using of an information retrieval system ODB-Text:

  • conducting corporate archives the document;
  • information help system designing;
  • colleges and universities academic activity automation;
  • staff account;
  • bibliography.

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